Comments: Qwiic Real Time Clock Module (RV-1805) Hookup Guide

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  • Member #1657356 / about 4 years ago / 1

    Hi every body, I need some help, I dont know what am I doing wrong.... I'm working with a Cubloc MCU, from Comfile, I'm able to write and read the registers on the RV-1805 but it seems that the clock its not working, I mean, I read the register for the time and date and keep displaying the same information, I've tryed diferent configurations on registers 1Ch and 10h but still nothing, I was trying to see on the library "SparkFun_RV1805.h" and "SparkFun_RV1805.cpp" trying to follow the examples but cannot get to figure it out what am I missing?. I thing is something about configuration on the registers in order to start ticking the clock. I've try to look on google some information but still loss, if some body can give me a hand on it so I can continue, I will apreciate it. Thank you so much for your time.

  • frustin / about 6 years ago * / 1

    Can someone help me figure how to read a particular aspect of the time, lets say hours, and store it into a variable? I don't quite understand the uint8_t getMinutes(), can I use this to write the current minutes to a variable? I am not making a digital clock, or a normal analog for that matter, and need hours and minutes in separate integer variables.

  • Member #498528 / about 6 years ago / 1

    I'm interested in this product to switch power to an external device. I see the PSW is described on the retired SparkX version (, saying that PSW can sink 50mA. So I put PSW in series with the external device ground connection. When on, PSW provides a path to ground, powering the external device. Does the library allow the time based control of PSW like it does for INT? When PSW is turned on (connected to GND) is it possible to control how long it is on for or is it fixed?

    I've been reading 4.17 of the manual ( and it sounds like what I want it to do.

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