Paper Circuit Pin

Contributors: Gella
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Step 2: Create Copper Traces

Time to create a path for our electricity with copper tape. The template has icons to help guide you in constructing the circuit.

Line 1

Take a look at the template and find the circle marked 1. Peel away a few inches of the paper backing from the copper tape, and stick it down along the grey line.

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This line continues around the edge of the template to the front of the card.

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On the front of the card, we'll need to turn a corner with the tape. To keep a solid connection of copper around corners, we'll be using a folding technique to press the tape into shape.

Start by sticking the copper tape down until you reach the corner, then fold the tape backward on itself. Use a fingernail or pen to give it a good crease at the edge.

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Then, carefully move the tape down around the corner -- you should see the fold forming -- and press down flat against the paper. Continue along the line, folding around one more corner.

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Continue the tape until the end of the gray line.

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Cut when you reach the scissors icon.

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Line 2

Line 2 is similar to Line 1 -- we'll fold around two corners. Begin at the gray line marked 2, making sure to leave an opening after Line 1. The LED will bridge the gap between these pieces of copper tape later.

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Cut at the end of the line.

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Line 3

The last copper tape line will also form a battery holder. This line travels over the edge of the template to the back, so don't cut until the end of the line.

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Once the copper reaches the edge, flip the template over and continue the line.

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This line allows the top of the copper to fold down over the coin cell battery -- the positive side of the battery is the top and negative side is the bottom -- creating a 'battery sandwich' with copper tape touching each side.

Fold along the dotted line toward the back of the template to create the flap.

**Do not put the battery in yet.**