Paper Circuit Pin
Materials and Tools
Here is a list of all the materials and tools you'd need to follow along:
Paper Circuit Pin
- You will use ~9" of tape per card.
- Choose your favorite LED color - here are some of our 5mm LEDs.
Additional Materials:
- Cardstock (to print templates or design your own)
- 1/2" square of vellum, wax paper, rice or parchment paper- creates a nice diffused effect for the LED to shine through the robot's heart
- Clear Tape
- Scissors
- 9/16" Metal Binder Clip - from your local office supply store or online. The black plastic ones will not work with this project, they need to be all metal.
- Adhesive Pin Back - from your local craft store or online
- Decorating Supplies - stickers, markers, or paints to embellish your designs