Multiplexer Breakout Hookup Guide

Contributors: jimblom
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Board Assembly

There is no one correct way to assemble the breakout, but you do need to solder something to the supply, select, common, and I/O pins. We recommend either male or female headers, but wire may be better suited to some projects.

Hook-Up Wire - Assortment (Solid Core, 22 AWG)


Hook-Up Wire - Assortment (Stranded, 22 AWG)


Break Away Headers - Straight


Female Headers

If you've never soldered before, this is a great place to start! Check out our How to Solder - Through-hole Soldering tutorial for help guiding that soldering iron!

The Multiplexer Breakout is breadboard-compatible, as the two header rows can span a breadboard's inner trough. If you throw male headers onto the board...

Male headers soldered to both headers can plug it in, and use jumper wires to connect the mux to an Arduino.

Example breadboard/Arduino circuit