Comments: MP3 Trigger Hookup Guide V24

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  • Member #1262042 / about 7 years ago / 1

    Is there a way to have an "output trigger" as long as a track is playing? I need to switch on a light when a track (any track) is started and switch off the light when the track is finished. So I need a kind of "play indication" in order to drive an external relay.

  • GigaDork / about 8 years ago / 1

    Two notes: - The board appears to need substantial recovery time 10mS < tr < 100ms between it's issuing an 'X' for normal playback termination and it's being able to process further serial commands. - The lack of a poll-able playback status AND an unambiguous Stop Playback command makes this board very unattractive to use when reliability is a must. It is impossible to force a playback status of Stopped when the playback status becomes unknown, and it is tedious at best to track the playback status. Absolute tracking is impossible; say the micro gets reset and the trigger does not. This is a cure-able Achilles heel, please consider adding either a poll-able playback status or a unambiguous Stop command to the serial protocol.

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