HIH-4030 Humidity Sensor Hookup Guide
The SparkFun HIH-4030 Humidity Sensor Breakout measures relative humidity (%RH) from Honeywell's HIH-4030 humidity sensor. The breakout allows you to connect the analog output of the sensor directly to an ADC on a microcontroller.
Voltage applied to the supply pins should be within 4-5.8 VDC, and optimally at 5V. The sensor will typically only consume about 200μA.
This tutorial serves as a introduction to the HIH-4030 and the SparkFun Humidity Sensor Breakout. It covers both the hardware and firmware requirements of the breakout to start receiving relative humidity (%RH) measurements as well as documenting example wiring, Arduino code and using the sensor in conjunction with a thermometer.
As we step through the Hookup Guide, you'll find it useful to have the HIH-4030 Datasheet on hand.
Required Materials
To get the humidity sensor up and running, you'll need the following parts. Further in the tutorial, you'll learn how to incorporate a temperature sensor, specifically SparkFun's Digital Temperature Sensor Breakout - TMP-102, for properly determining relative humidity (%RH). Note that adding a temperature sensor is optional, but its use will be highlighted in this tutorial.
Qwiic Cable - 200mm
PRT-14428Suggested Reading
Before getting started with the HIH-4030, you should ensure you are familiar with the following topics: