Comments: Hexadecimal

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  • In the example below, I think Part 1 needs to read Part 1 - Divide 61453 by 16. The result is a quotient of 3840, and a remainder of 13. That remainder becomes our first, RIGHT-most, least-significant hex digit – D. Take 3840 to the next step.

    Decimal-to-Hex Example: Convert 61453

    Enough math-speak, let’s work an example. Let’s convert 6145310 to hexadecimal:

    Part 1 - Divide 61453 by 16. The result is a quotient of 3840, and a remainder of 13. That remainder becomes our first, left-most, least-significant hex digit – D. Take 3840 to the next step.

    Now divide 3840 by 16. The resulting quotient is 240 with a remainder of 0. Our second hex digit is 0, and we take 240 to the next digit.

    It's confusing enough even without dyslexia and I'm not ambidextrous. ; )

    • jimblom / about 11 years ago / 1

      Oops. Thanks for catching that! Should be all fixed up.

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