Getting Started with U-Center for u-blox
Resources and Going Further

Ready to get hands-on with GPS?
We've got a page just for you! We'll walk you through the basics of how GPS works, the hardware needed, and project tutorials to get you started.
We only went over a few of the features with the u-center. For more resources, we recommend checking your module's protocol specification and the u-center's documentation for more information.
Once you've mastered U-Center you're ready to begin configuring your Ublox module! Check out some of these related tutorials:
Building an Autonomous Vehicle: The Batmobile
Documenting a six-month project to race autonomous Power Wheels at the SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition (AVC) in 2016.
GPS-RTK Hookup Guide
Find out where you are! Use this easy hook-up guide to get up and running with the SparkFun high precision GPS-RTK NEO-M8P-2 breakout board.
GPS-RTK2 Hookup Guide
Get precision down to the diameter of a dime with the new ZED-F9P from u-blox.
Setting up a Rover Base RTK System
Getting GNSS RTCM correction data from a base to a rover is easy with a serial telemetry radio! We'll show you how to get your high precision RTK GNSS system setup and running.
How to Build a DIY GNSS Reference Station
Learn how to affix a GNSS antenna, use PPP to get its ECEF coordinates and then broadcast your own RTCM data over the internet and cellular using NTRIP to increase rover reception to 10km!