Comments: ESP32 LoRa 1-CH Gateway, LoRaWAN, and the Things Network

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  • Member #355246 / about 6 years ago / 1

    How to put this politely...this tutorial and the code associated with it is terrible. First off, the code is filled with compile errors that I had to track down and fix. Neither this tutorial nor the associated Pro RF tutorial explain how the two are supposed to work together. After an hour or so (!), I finally got the code compiled and loaded** I the have a known, working device sitting in the same room, and about 1 in 10 messages successfully get to the gateway (according to the "web interface"). But none of them get to TTN. I guess I should have been wary when I saw "we've had the best luck with..."

    I cannot possible recommend this product to anyone. It is simply too much work to try and get running.

    **This was a while ago and now it won't compile again (because a library got updated?)

  • Member #544941 / about 6 years ago / 1

    Hey Jim, thank you for the tutorial! I follow your instruction and set up the gateway successfully using NodeMCU ESP32 and RFM96W (433MHz). I'm having trouble with 433 band for the node right now because LMIC does not support eu433. Have you done any works on eu433? I try to debug eu433 lib now.

  • Member #377629 / about 6 years ago / 1

    Thanks for the tutorial. I was able to get it up and running. Could you possibly provide a "hello world" example sketch for this board? The 18 file setup you use in the tutorial is a little tricky to adapt to my needs, so I'd like to start from the basics. Maybe just a basic LoRa Receive sketch would be a good starting point. Thanks!

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