DIY Light-Up Shoes

Contributors: Feldi
Favorited Favorite 21

Hardware Overview

The two main components that the Light-Up Kicks use are the following:

  • Qduino Mini - Arduino Dev Board
  • WS2812 Addressable RGB LED Strip

Qduino Mini

Qduino Mini - Arduino Dev Board


The brains behind the Light-Up Kicks are a set of Qduino Mini - Arduino Dev Boards, a small Arduino-compatible microcontroller that includes a switch AND a LiPo battery connector.

Qduino Mini Technical Specifications:

Operating Voltage3.3V @ 8MHz
Digital I/O Pins19 with 13 dedicated
Analog Channels12 with 6 dedicated
Flash Memory32 KB
SRAM2.5 KB (ATmega32U4)
EEPROM1 KB (ATmega32U4)
Clock Speed8 MHz

This board also features:

  • SPI, I2C, UART available
  • Two RGB LEDs built-in - one for: Charge Status, TX, RX, and the other user programmable
  • AP2112K 3.3V 600mA Regulator
  • MCP73831 LiPo Battery Charger
  • MAX17048 LiPo Battery Fuel Gauge

WS2812 Addressable RGB LED Strip

LED RGB Strip - Addressable, Sealed (1m)


The WS2812 Addressable LED Strip is a long strip with WS2812 RGB LEDs. Each individual LED is addressable through your microcontroller. They are preterminated with 0.1" spaced 3-pin connectors as well as a 2 wire power connector. Hooking these LEDs up to a microcontroller can be done by either soldering leads to the connection pads or using the existing wire power connectors. DIN should always connect to a digital pin which will be assigned to the LED strip in your code. VCC and GND can connect to their respective pads on the Qduino Mini. A longer strip might need a more powerful or separate power source than this project requires.