
Viewing all 95 Resources.

Intro to Basic Electronics

February 6, 2014

Learn about breadboards, series and parallel circuits and basic sensors with this power point by Rick Anderson.

Intro to PicoBoard with Scratch

February 6, 2014

Introduction to computing using Scratch and PicoBoard.

LilyPad In-Depth

February 6, 2014

Learn how to create circuits that use a LilyPad microcontroller and what you need to program your microcontroller to react to input and provide output.

SoftSerial: Implementing Multiple Serial Ports On An Arduino

February 6, 2014

Learn how to use pins other than TX and RX to communicate between microcontrollers using the SoftSerial library.

Arduino in a Nutshell

February 6, 2014

Beginner's guide to the Arduino Uno R3 by Prof. Jan Borchers.

Electronic Graphics Resources

February 6, 2014

Illustrator file with a variety of electronics images and icons. Made by Adam Meyer of

Intro to Arduino with LilyPad Development Board at Artisan's Asylum

February 6, 2014

Presentation for the Make a MakerSpace at Artisan’s Asylum.

Intro to Arduino

February 6, 2014

Here is a slide show presentation for introducing the Arduino SparkFun Inventor's Kit.

How to Solder Comic

February 6, 2014

This comic describes how to do plated through hole soldering in an easy to understand visual format.

LilyPad with Girl Scouts: Making Electronic Fashion

February 6, 2014

Beginner's LilyPad workshop presentation contributed by Etiquette Creative.

ArduBlock and Protosnap ProMini

February 6, 2014

This is a short presentation on how to use ArduBlock - a graphical programming environment with the Protosnap ProMini.

Serial Communication between Arduino and Processing

February 6, 2014

Materials for Arduino, Processing and Serial Communication for the ATLAS program at CU Boulder.

LilyPad With Programming

February 6, 2014

Get started prototyping without a breadboard using the ProtoSnap LilyPad Development Board to control buzzers, vibration motors, RGB LEDs and more.

Android Development with IOIO

February 6, 2014

Control an LED, potentiometer and servo over USB or Bluetooth using Andriod and IOIO.

ProtoSnap Intro to Arduino

February 6, 2014

Presentation on programming microcontrollers without having to create any circuits using the ProtoSnap board.

Soldering, PTH

February 6, 2014

These are some materials to help you teach Plated Through Hole Soldering.

Surface Mount Device Stenciling

February 6, 2014

Presentation used to teach Surface Mount Device Stenciling here at SparkFun Electronics.

Squishy Circuits

February 6, 2014

This tutorial shows you how to make conductive and insulating dough with every day household ingredients and how to use it to explore how electricity work.

Alan Smith's Curriculum

February 6, 2014

An introduction to Arduino, microcontrollers and electrical circuits by Alan Smith.

Video Games and Controllers with Analog Pong and Processing - Gaming

February 6, 2014

Learn how to create a video game and controller while learning basic programming, math, Cartesian graphing methods, Serial communication and sensor input.

LilyPad With No Programming

February 6, 2014

Introductory handout covering sewing with conductive thread and how to avoid short circuits in e-textiles with LilyPad components.

Programming with Simon

February 6, 2014

This material shows a way to re-use our popular Simon game to teach programming after you have used it to teach soldering.

Simon Modifications

February 6, 2014

Presentation on how to take a Simon Says kit and modify it using an FTDI to change how the buzzer, LEDs, buttons and analog sensors function.
Viewing all 95 Resources.