Teardown: DDC Mobile X900

Contributors: Nick Poole
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Well That Was Weird

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So there you have it. The X900 is a cheap quad-band phone from China. It's made by a company called DDC, apparently from parts of other cell phones, and badged "Nokia." Literally half of the weight of the device is the faceplate and the battery is only a quarter of advertised capacity. But you know what?

I like it.

It makes me feel like I could build a cellphone if I really wanted to. In fact, I may take the guts of this phone and turn it into a reasonably sized device. I went so far as to put an AT&T SIM card in the phone and it works fine! If all you need is a cellphone with no frills and the weight and shape of a Motorola brick phone... the X900 is for you.
