Teardown: DDC Mobile X900

Contributors: Nick Poole
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Heavyweight Chump

The first thing that you'll notice when you pick up an X900 is the immense weight. This phone feels solid, and parts of it really are. But where is all of that weight coming from? Let's find out:

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As you can see, the phone and battery together weight a whopping 8.45 ounces. By comparison, the iPhone 5s in its entirety weighs only 3.95 ounces. Perhaps this weight discrepancy can be explained by the massive "8000 mAh" battery brick:

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Uh... hmm... Let's start pulling the phone apart then and see if maybe the unusually large and capable flashlight is responsible for the added mass:

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Well it isn't in there... But wait that only leaves one place that the weight could be hiding...

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That's right. The front panel of the X900 is cast from pot metal and weighs, on its own, a quarter of an ounce more than the iPhone 5s. This isn't looking good. In fact, now that I think about it that battery seems really light. What was the capacity on that thing?

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Well, it says 8800mAh at 3.7V but I've handled quite a few batteries and I just don't see that being true. Normally, I wouldn't advise tearing into a cellphone battery but I had a really good feeling that as soon as the sticker was torn away I might be presented with... well... this:

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That's an 18650! It's a common cylindrical Li-ion battery, it is indeed rechargeable, but it packs only 2000mAh. That's less than a quarter of the advertised capacity.

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Close enough.

Let's dig a little deeper, this is getting interesting...