SparkFun NanoBeacon Board - IN100 Hookup Guide

Contributors: El Duderino
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Hardware Assembly

Now that we're familiar with the hardware present on these NanoBeacon boards, we'll assemble our circuit for the Qwiic BMA400 example.


For this demo, we're using the Lite version of the NanoBeacon Board so we need to solder headers to the UART pins to connect a Serial Basic to for configuring the IN100 through the Config Tool.

Photo showing headers soldered to NanoBeacon Lite.

Qwiic BMA400 Circuit

With headers soldered in place, connect the Serial Basic to them taking care to match the pins. At this point, you can also connect the Qwiic BMA400 to the Qwiic connector on the NanoBeacon Board. With everything connected, your circuit should be nearly identical to the one pictured below:

Completed NanoBeacon circuit with Qwiic BMA400

With our NanoBeacon Board assembled and connected to a Serial Basic, we can move on to plugging it into our computer and configuring the IN100 to test basic functionality and later upload the BMA400 data configuration file.