QuickLogic Thing Plus (EOS S3) Hookup Guide a learn.sparkfun.com tutorial

Available online at: http://sfe.io/t1791



This guide provides users with functional descriptions, configuration options for the QuickLogic Thing Plus EOS S3. It also serves as a “Getting Started” and “How To” guide.

SparkFun QuickLogic Thing Plus - EOS S3

$49.50 $24.75

Required Materials

To follow along with this tutorial, you will need the following materials. You may not need everything though depending on what you have. Add it to your cart, read through the guide, and adjust the cart as necessary.

Reversible USB A to C Cable - 0.8m


SparkFun QuickLogic Thing Plus - EOS S3

$49.50 $24.75

You Will Also Need

You will also need a computer with a terminal program or any UART console application. For the scope of this tutorial, we will use PuTTY.

Suggested Reading

If you aren't familiar with the Qwiic system, we recommend reading here for an overview .

Qwiic Connect System
Qwiic Connect System

If you aren’t familiar with the following concepts, we also recommend checking out a few of these tutorials before continuing.

Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPI is commonly used to connect microcontrollers to peripherals such as sensors, shift registers, and SD cards.

Logic Levels

Learn the difference between 3.3V and 5V devices and logic levels.

Accelerometer Basics

A quick introduction to accelerometers, how they work, and why they're used.


An introduction to I2C, one of the main embedded communications protocols in use today.

Serial Terminal Basics

This tutorial will show you how to communicate with your serial devices using a variety of terminal emulator applications.

Hardware Overview

The QuickLogic Thing Plus EOS S3 is a small form factor system ideal for enabling the next generation of low-power Machine Learning (ML) capable Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Unlike other development boards which are based on proprietary hardware and software tools, the QuickLogic Things Plus is based on 100% open source hardware, compatible with the Feather form factor, and is built around 100% open source software (including the Symbiflow FPGA Tools).

The QuickLogic is powered by QuickLogic’s EOS™ S3, the first eFPGA-enabled Arm Cortex©-M4F MCU to be fully supported with Zephyr RTOS and FreeRTOS.

Other functionality includes:



Board Layout

Below is a quick overview of the board layout and components.

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IO Expansion Connectors EOS S3 MCU IO Map to QuickLogic Thing Plus

Below is the graphical datasheet of the QuickLogic Thing Plus EOS S3 to reference the pins followed by a table listing the EOS S3 pins. Due to the size of the board and components, the silkscreen is printed on the back of the board. You can flip over the board reference the pin name and its respective function as well.

QuickLogic Thing Plus Graphical Datasheet

Click image for a closer view.

EOS S3 MCU IO QuickLogic Thing Plus Function Additional Function Expansion
IO_0 I2C0 SCL J9.11
IO_1 I2C0 SDA J9.12
IO_2 IO J6.7
IO_3 Accelerometer LIS2DH12TR Interrupt J9.10
IO_4 IO J8.8
IO_5 IO J8.9
IO_6 User Button Input J8.10
IO_7 IO J8.11
IO_8 IO J8.12
IO_10 IO J8.13
IO_11 IO J8.6
IO_12 IO J8.7
IO_13 IO J6.8
IO_14 Serial Wire Debug CLK J6.4
IO_15 Serial Wire Debug DATA J6.2
IO_16 IO SPI Peripheral CLK J9.8
IO_17 IO SPI Peripheral CIPO (input) J9.7
IO_18 Blue LED N/A
IO_19 IO SPI Peripheral COPI J9.6
IO_20 IO SPI Peripheral CSn J9.5
IO_21 Green LED N/A
IO_22 Red LED N/A
IO_23 IO I2S Peripheral WCLK (Frame) J8.3
IO_24 IO I2S Peripheral DATA (dout) J8.4
IO_25 IO J6.9
IO_27 IO SPI Controller CS2 J9.2
IO_28 PDM Data; to isolate, remove R28 J8.1
IO_29 PDM CKO J8.2
IO_30 IO J6.10
IO_31 IO I2S Peripheral CLK (input) J8.5
IO_32 IO J9.3
IO_33 IO J9.4
IO_34 SPI Controller CLK J6.6
IO_36 SPI Controller CIPO J6.4
IO_38 SPI Controller COPI (flash) J6.5
IO_40 IO N/A
IO_43 IO Interrupt Output to Host J9.9

Connector J9

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J2 EOS S3 MCU IO BGA Pin# Function
2 3.3V Circuit Enable
4 IO_27 HS IO; SPI Controller CSn2
5 IO_20 G8 SPI Peripheral SSn input; EOS S3 boot-strap
6 IO_19 H8 SPi Peripheral COPI input; EOS S3 boot-strap
7 IO_17 D7 SPI Peripheral CIPO output
8 IO_16 E7 SPI Peripheral CLK input
9 IO_43 D1 EOS S3 Interrupt Output
10 IO_3 A2 Accel Interrupt input
11 IO_0 B1 I2C0 SCL
12 IO_1 C1 I2C0 SDA

Connector J6

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J6 EOS S3 MCU IO BGA Pin# Function
1 Ground
2 IO_44 E1 S3 UART TX
3 IO_45 G1 S3 UART RX
4 IO_36 H3 SPI Controller CIPO input
5 IO_38 E2 SPI Controller COPI output
6 IO_34 F3 SPI Controller CLK output
7 IO_2 A1 IO
8 IO_13 D6 IO
9 IO_25 F7 IO
10 IO_30 F4 IO
11 ADC1 C7 ADC1 input
12 No Connect
13 Ground
14 No Connect
15 +3.3V
16 SYS_RSTn F8 EOS S3 HW reset input

Connector J8

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J8 EOS S3 MCU IO BGA Pin# Function
1 IO_28 G5 PDM microphone Data
2 IO_29 F5 PDM microphone CLK
3 IO_23 H6 I2S Peripheral WCLK Input
4 IO_24 G6 I2S Peripheral DATA output
5 IO_31 G4 I2S Peripheral CLK input
6 IO_11 C5 IO
7 IO_12 B5 IO
8 IO_4 B2 IO
9 IO_5 C3 IO
10 IO_6 B3 User button input
11 IO_7 A3 IO
12 IO_8 C4 IO
13 IO_10 A4 IO
14 IO_35 F2 IO
15 +3.3V
16 Ground
17 +3.3V
18 Ground

Development Connector

EOS S3 MCU SWD Connector

Below is the SWD connector used to program the board. Taken from the graphical datasheet are the pin labels on the right for reference.

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J7 EOS S3 MCU IO Function
1 +3.3V
2 IO_15 SWD_IO
3 Ground
5 Ground
6 No Connect
7 No Connect
8 No Connect
9 Ground
10 SYS_RSTn Hardware Reset

Boot-strap IO_19 & IO_20

There are two pair of IO pins that are reserved for flashing the EOS S3 with a programmer. When booting a program from flash, you'll need to keep these pins open.

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Bootstrap J2 and J3


There are two ways to provide power to the QuickLogic Thing Plus: USB connector (J5) or Battery connector (J4). When both ports are connected at the same time, the USB power activates the battery charging circuit that provide charging current to the battery.

When using a rechargeable battery, the minimum input voltage will determine the maximum currents that the system needs to support. This is important when connecting additional peripherals to the QuickLogic Thing Plus that also requires connection to +3.3V for supplies.

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The MCP73831 LiPo charger is set to ~212.76mA for the default charge rate. Before you plug a battery into the charger, you should be aware of your battery's capacity and the charge current supplied by the charger. To be safe, you should keep the charge current at or below 1C of your battery. That means you should connect a LiPo battery that has a capacity of ~212.75mAh or higher to charge safely. For more information on the charge LED's status, check out the LiPo USB Charger breakout board for the MCP73831.


Speaking of LEDs, the board includes a build in RGB LED. As listed earlier in the tutorial, the leds can be controlled using pin 22 (red),p in 21 (green), and pin 18 (blue). Note that the pins are not routed to the edge of the board.

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User and Reset Buttons

The board includes a user button and hardware reset button. These are also connected to the edge of the board as well. The reset pin is also connected to the SWD pin when connecting to a programmer.

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Connecting Additional Peripherals to the QuickLogic Thing Plus

QuickLogic Thing Plus supports direct connection to FeatherWing module (providing that the FeatherWing module has Stack Headers installed) via expansion connector J2 and J3. Refer to AdaFruit's web site for additional information on available FeatherWing modules.

Sensor with I2C Port

QuickLogic Thing Plus board supports connecting to sensor module with I2C peripheral interface via expansion connectors J2. You can also access the pins along the J9 header.

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QuickLogic Thing Plus I2C supports I2C Standard mode (100KHz) and Fast mode (400KHz). There is one I2C bus available; additional I2C IP can be implemented in EOS S3 FPGA.

Steps to connect external I2C sensors to QuickLogic Thing Plus board:

Note: You may need to use oscilloscope to validate the rise time for SCL and SDA to stay within rise time specification

LIS2DH12TR Accelerometer

The board includes the LIS2DH12TR triple axis accelerometer. Below is the reference axis of the IC based on the datasheet. This sensor connected to the I2C bus. The address for the accelerometer is set to 0b0011000 (0x18). The accelerometer INT1 pin is connected to pin 3.

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Sensor with SPI Peripheral Port

QuickLogic Thing Plus board supports connecting to sensor module with SPI peripheral interface via expansion connectors J6 and J9: SPI CONTROLLER CLK (J6 pin 6), SPI CONTROLLER CIPO (J6 pin 4), SPI CONTROLLER COPI (J6 pin 5) and SPI CONTROLLER CS2 (J9 pin 4).

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The maximum supported SPI clock frequency is 10MHz.

Steps to connect external SPI sensor to QuickLogic Thing Plus board:

PDM Microphones

Single PDM Microphone

The on-board PDM microphone (Vesper VM3011) is configured as left channel output (driving active data on falling edge of PDM CLK). Based on the design of the microphone, there is a drill hit through the board that allows an opening for the sound.

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QuickLogic Thing Plus supports external PDM microphone connection via expansion connector J8: PDM CLK (J8 pin 2) and PDM DATA (J8 pin 1).

Steps to connect one external PDM microphone to QuickLogic Thing Plus board:

Double PDM Microphone

To support two external PDM microphones configuration, it is required to disable the connection of the on-board PDM microphone.

QuickLogic Thing Plus supports external PDM microphone connection via expansion connector J8: PDM CLK (J8 pin 2) and PDM DATA (J8 pin 1).

Steps to connect two external PDM microphones to QuickLogic Thing Plus board:

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Board Dimensions

The board is 2.75"x2.10". While the board uses the Thing Plus footprint, length of the board is slightly longer than other Thing Plus designs.

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Hardware Assembly

To power and output serial data to terminal window, you will need to insert a USB cable to the board.

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Getting Started

Running Pre-Loaded Program from Flash

The purpose of the pre-loaded program is to make it very fast and straightforward for a new user to verify the board is functioning correctly. While we do production testing on every QuickLogic Thing Plus before we ship, sometimes things happen during shipping or storage. Running this test takes less than a minute to do, requires no knowledge of the QuickLogic Thing Plus, and will give you peace of mind the QuickLogic Thing Plus is ready for you to start innovating freely.

  1. Make sure there is no shunt installed at J2 and J3; if there are shunts installed, remove the shunts; save the shunts for future firmware development
  2. Provide power to the QuickLogic Thing Plus using the Type-C USB cable; the power source can be either a PC or wall adapter. When there is power applied to the board, the LED flashes “white” for a short duration
  3. Press the “reset” button
  4. The LED flashes blue color for 5 seconds and then turns off
  5. Wait for 5 seconds
  6. On Windows 10 machine, open Device Manager to check for the assign COM port

Checking COM Port with Device Manager

  1. Launch PuTTY application and configure for Serial access and select “Open”.

PuTTY Configuration

8. Perform the followings in the PuTTY terminal:

    a) Type: “diag” to bring up QuickLogic Thing Plus diagnostic menu

    b) Type: “help” to bring up the menu of commands

    c.) Type: “red”; the command shows red color for LED

    d.) Type: “red”; the LED turns off the LED

    e.) Try “green” and “blue” command

Hello World Application Menu

Diagnostic Menu

QuickLogic Thing Plus supports loading and testing stand-alone eFPGA design or eFPGA + M4 MCU design, using SWD standard tool such as Segger’s Jlink SWD or OCD. Below are the instructions for system with Windows 10 OS with Segger Jlink pod.

What you need

J-Link to QuickLogic Thing Plus Connection

Download stand-alone FPGA binaries instructions


Download FPGA binaries + M4 MCU binaries instructions


Resources and Going Further

Now that you've successfully got your QuickLogic EOS S3 Thing Plus up and running, it's time to incorporate it into your own project! For more information, check out the resources below:

Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out some of these related tutorials:

Programming an FPGA

Come look at the basics of working with Field Programmable Gate Arrays.

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