Photon Wearable Shield Hookup Guide

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Contributors: HelloTechie
Favorited Favorite 5

Hardware Overview

This might be a simple shield for the Photon, but you can use it in many different types of projects! Here is a list of hardware features for this shield.

Female Headers for the Photon

Photon Wearable Shield SMD headers

Double check that you put the Photon in the female headers the correct way!

No soldering required! The shield comes with two SMD headers already soldered on, which makes easy to place the Photon on top and start a new project. There is a white Photon silkscreen outline to help show what direction the Photon needs to be placed.

Large Sewable Pins

Photon Wearable Shield Large Sewable pads

There is a large pad for each one of the Photon's pins.

The larger pins makes it possible to use different types of conductive materials to connect sensors, LEDs, and other components to the Photon. Conductive paint, conductive thread, and copper tape are just few different conductive materials you can use with the large pins. When prototyping, the large pads makes it easy to use alligator clips.

Alligator clips for Photon Wearable Shield

Alligator clips are great to make sure connections and code examples are correct before sewing components into a garment.

Normal Sized Pins

Photon Wearable Shield Normal Pins holes

There are normal sized pins for soldering hook-up wire to the shield. Which, is great for projects needing tons of LEDs or a solid connection.