Comments: MicroMod Teensy Processor Hookup Guide
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We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.
The question as asked: " In general, how do I access the other 4 Serial Ports in Teensy MicroMod? "
Which Teensy MicroMod pins have the other serial ports ?
Confusion on MicroMod Teensy Serial:
The MicroMod Teensy documentation says that it has seven serial ports. However, then later it describes only 3 ports.
Pins corresponding to Serial2 of Micromod Teensy are mapped to Pins corresponding to Serial4 of Teensy 4.0. So how do I access Serial communication on pins corresponding to Serial2 (RX2: 7, TX2: 8) of Teensy 4.0.
In general, how do I access the other 4 Serial Ports in Teensy MicroMod?
RX2 is described as A2, but is listed as A3 in the pinout table.
So this has everything the Teensy 4.1 has broken out except the no native Ethernet?
More discrepancies, COPI is labeled as Pin 59 here and in the schematic GOTO flag, but the pin label in the schematic is SPI_SDO (i.e. the opposite of COPI). Similar discrepancy in the schematic Pin 61 (CIPO).
There's a discrepancy between the schematic ( and the table in this guide. The table here shows USB_D+ as Pin 5 and USB_D- as Pin 3. USB_HOST_D+ as Pin 37 and USB_HOST_D- as Pin 35. The MICROMOD-2222 connector in the schematic shows USB_D+ as Pin 3 and USB_D- as Pin 5. USB_HOST_D+ as Pin 35 and USB_D- as Pin 37.
Thanks for pointing those swapped signals out. The table is fixed now.
Update Pending? This guide shows 8MB flash ... instead of 16MB
That has been updated. Minor typo from our other Teensy tutorial. The Teensy MM has 16MB Flash.