Level Shifter - 8 Channel (TXS0108E) Hookup Guide
Signal Oscillations
Some users may experience oscillations or "ringing" on communication lines (eg. SPI/I2C) that can inhibit communication between devices. Capacitance or inductance on the signal lines can cause the TXS0108E's edge rate accelerators to detect false rising/falling edges.
When using the TXS0108E, we recommend keeping your wires between devices as short as possible as during testing we found even a 6" wire like our standard jumper wires can cause this oscillation problem. Also make sure to disable any pull-up resistors on connected devices. When level shifting between I/O devices, this shifter works just fine over longer wires.
The TXS0108E is designed for short distance, high-speed applications so if you need a level shifter for a communication bus over a longer distance, we recommend one of our other level shifters.
Voltage Requirements and OE
Reminder, voltage supplied to VCC_A must be less than or equal to VCC_B. Also, the breakout pulls OE LOW so make sure to tie the OE pin to VCC_A to enable the TXS0108E.
General Troubleshooting
If you need technical assistance and more information on a product that is not working as you expected, we recommend heading on over to the SparkFun Technical Assistance page for some initial troubleshooting.
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