Comments: Internet of Things Experiment Guide


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  • PerryRT / about 8 years ago / 3

    Not for nothing, but Experiment 3 won me some WifePoints by automating the Christmas lights this year. Thanks, SparkFun!

  • Member #1424352 / about 7 years ago / 1

    This is an AMAZINGLY comprehensive, straightforward and WORKING tutorial. I spent the previous day hunting the web and came up with nothing but out-of-date, strange or non-working information.

    Thanks Shawn!

    You may consider updating your screen snapshots and instructions to reflect the current state of without the 'maker' references. And 'weather network' is no longer available as an applet. You can use 'weatherUnderground', but I think it's more engaging if you create a Gmail listener applet so when the user's email address receives an email from a specified address, it turns on the appliance.

    I'll be using this to turn on my air conditioner from work just before I leave to head home on hot days.

    Thanks again!

    Gord Newmarket, Ontario Canada

    • Glad you liked it, and thanks for the suggestions. IFTTT has definitely made some changes in the last couple of years, so some of the names and interfaces have changed.

  • -------------------- Tech Support Tips/Troubleshooting/Common Issues --------------------

    Downloading ThingSpeak Library

    If you are having problems downloading the v1.2.1 ThingSpeak Communication Library for Arduino & ESP8266 by MathWorks from the Arduino library manager, try downloading the library directly from the GItHub repository [ ]. I could only download the previous versions on my Arduino IDE v.1.6.5 by manually installing the Arduino Library for ESP8266.

    Downloading SparkFun_RHT03 Library

    If you see this error, you downloaded the wrong RHT03 Library:

    C:\Users\....\Documents\Arduino\libraries\SparkFunRHT03/SparkFun_RHT03.h:15:25: fatal error: application.h: No such file or directory
     #include "application.h"
    compilation terminated.
    Error compiling.

    There was a case where a customer downloaded the RHT03 library for the Particle Photon and they had modified the file name to include the underscore "_" between SparkFun and RHT03. By downloading the correct library [ as linked in the tutorial, the example code from this tutorial was able to compile.

If you've found an issue with this tutorial content, please send us your feedback!