Comments: Hackers in Residence - Cosmic Ray Detector

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  • Member #786684 / about 9 years ago * / 1

    Some parts of this are vague.

    • What does a detection look like, (i.e. should you expect to see).

    • It would be nice to understand what the data should look like.

    • Why do the spikes go away when the radiation source is present? That seems counter intuitive and certainly warrants some discussion.

    • What's the oscilloscope for? It is listed as in the Tools Needed but I don't see where it is used.

    • It might also be good to explain what the gloves are for and why it's important to take them off correctly. (I assume it's to protect from getting any of the radioactive source material onto your hands.) What is a safe (and reasonable) way to dispose of the used gloves?

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