FreeSoC2 Hookup Guide V14

Contributors: SFUptownMaker
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Resources and Going Further

The PSoC community is robust and thriving, and Cypress has provided a lot of really good resources for hobbyists and professional engineers alike:

  • 100 projects in 100 days - Cypress, in conjunction with Element-14, created 100 projects and released them to the community. These are based on the PSoC4, but adapt well to the PSoC5LP.
  • Forums - Cypress also has a thriving forum community.
  • Reddit - There's a fairly active subreddit for the PSoC, as well.
  • Video tutorials - Official PSoC Creator training videos. These are information dense and super helpful.

For more FreeSoC2 fun, check out these other SparkFun tutorials...

Making Music with the FreeSoC2

August 14, 2015
Create a synth keyboard with the FreeSoC2 from SparkFun.