Flashlight Kit

Contributors: M-Short
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Hardware Overview


Inside your kit you'll find a few parts. There should be a PCB, a small coin cell battery, a battery holder, an LED, a resistor, and a switch. We'll get into what each of these components looks like and what they do in the next section. Missing any parts? Sometimes one of those tiny little components can get misplaced. If you're missing any parts contact our customer service team, and we'll get you those missing parts in a jiffy.

Picture of all components in the kit

Before we get started lets take a basic look at the PCB. On the front you can see markings and outlines for the 4 different components as well as some labels. You can also see the traces on the board and how they go from one component to another making a complete circle. On the back you see that the holes have a copper ring around them so you can solder them. You'll also see a schematic of the circuit showing all 4 components (with each labeled). We'll get into what each component does in a minute.

Front of PCB Back of PCB
Front of the Board Back of the Board