AS726X NIR/VIS Spectral Sensor Hookup Guide

Contributors: Englandsaurus
Favorited Favorite 6

Example Code

Example 1 --- Basic Readings

The below sketch will get you up and running taking calibrated spectral readings on all 6 channels. Once this sketch is uploaded, open the serial monitor with a baud rate of 115200 to display the spectral data from the sensor.

#include "AS726X.h"

AS726X sensor;

void setup() {


void loop() {
  //Prints all measurements
  if (sensor.getVersion() == SENSORTYPE_AS7262)
    //Visible readings
    Serial.print(" Reading: V[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedViolet(), 2);
    Serial.print("] B[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedBlue(), 2);
    Serial.print("] G[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedGreen(), 2);
    Serial.print("] Y[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedYellow(), 2);
    Serial.print("] O[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedOrange(), 2);
    Serial.print("] R[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedRed(), 2);
  else if (sensor.getVersion() == SENSORTYPE_AS7263)
    //Near IR readings
    Serial.print(" Reading: R[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedR(), 2);
    Serial.print("] S[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedS(), 2);
    Serial.print("] T[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedT(), 2);
    Serial.print("] U[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedU(), 2);
    Serial.print("] V[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedV(), 2);
    Serial.print("] W[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedW(), 2);

  Serial.print("] tempF[");
  Serial.print(sensor.getTemperatureF(), 1);


If we want, we can change the gain, measurement mode, and Wire that I2C uses by calling the begin() function with a few arguments. First, let's look at what values we can assign to which characteristic.

Example 2 --- Sensor Settings

The below example code will initialize our sensor with a gain of 16x, measurement mode of 0, and our regular I2C port (you can run the sensor on a different I2C port if you have the right hardware, a Teensy perhaps?).

#include "AS726X.h"
AS726X sensor;//Creates the sensor object
byte GAIN = 0;

void setup() {

  sensor.begin(Wire, GAIN, MEASUREMENT_MODE);//Initializes the sensor with non default values

void loop() {

  if (sensor.getVersion() == SENSORTYPE_AS7262)
    //Visible readings
    Serial.print(" Reading: V[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedViolet(), 2);
    Serial.print("] B[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedBlue(), 2);
    Serial.print("] G[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedGreen(), 2);
    Serial.print("] Y[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedYellow(), 2);
    Serial.print("] O[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedOrange(), 2);
    Serial.print("] R[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedRed(), 2);
  else if (sensor.getVersion() == SENSORTYPE_AS7263)
    //Near IR readings
    Serial.print(" Reading: R[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedR(), 2);
    Serial.print("] S[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedS(), 2);
    Serial.print("] T[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedT(), 2);
    Serial.print("] U[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedU(), 2);
    Serial.print("] V[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedV(), 2);
    Serial.print("] W[");
    Serial.print(sensor.getCalibratedW(), 2);

  Serial.print("] tempF[");
  Serial.print(sensor.getTemperatureF(), 1);


Expected Output

Here is a picture of what to expect when bringing your AS726X online for either of the above sketches. (The program will print "AS7263 online!" instead if you have that sensor)

Example Output for AS7262