Comments: 3D Printed Illuminated Wand Prop

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  • Member #400276 / about 6 years ago / 1

    Thanks for putting this together. Any suggestions for making this interactive like the ones at Harry Potter World? Those probably use cameras, but I'd like to make this work in more situations. You mention the "accelerometer and gyro" under "Making it Better", but you'd also need a microcontroller and some sort of wireless serial connection to whatever you wanted to control (such as EVERYTHING in my HOUSE!) right?

    • You are welcome. =)

      It depends on what you are trying to control and the components. If you were to control say a TV in your house, you would need some an IR transmitter, the hex code to control the TV, accelerometer/gyro, and a microcontroller. There is a tutorial about controlling a TV somewhere in the IR control kit tutorial. Simply program the microcontroller to read your gesture and send the hex code to control the TV when the motion is recognized.

      If you wanted to turn on say a lamp(s), you could use some wireless module, relay, accelerometer/gyro, and a microcontroller. You would program the microcontroller to do the same thing except this time, you would control a relay(s) based on the motion.

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