BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor Hookup

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Contributors: MikeGrusin
Favorited Favorite 11

Installing the Arduino Library

Libraries are collections of software functions geared towards a single purpose, such as communicating with a specific device. We've written an Arduino library called SFE_BMP180 that allows you to easily talk to the BMP180 sensor. This library is not included with the stock Arduino software, but don't worry, installing new libraries is easy.

If you'd like to interface the BMP180 to a microcontroller other than an Arduino, the C++ source code in the library and the information in the datasheet may be helpful when writing your own code.

1. Install the Arduino IDE

If you don't already have the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) installed, download the version for your system (Windows, Mac, Linux) from and install it following the instructions on that site.

If you need help installing the IDE, check out our tutorial.

2. Install the SFE_BMP180 Library

Arduino versions 1.6 and higher have tools to help you install libraries.

First, download the latest BMP180 library from this link:

Now open your Arduino IDE, and from the menu, choose Sketch / Include library / Add .ZIP Library. A file requester will open. Navigate to the "" file you just downloaded, and click the "Open" button. The library will be installed and ready for you to use.

If you're using an older Arduino version or need help installing the library, you can find detailed instructions in our Installing an Arduino Library tutorial.