Comments: Load Cell Amplifier HX711 Breakout Hookup Guide


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  • Member #1233563 / about 7 years ago / 2

    I have used two Load Combinators (BOB 13878) which work initially, and then fail unexpectedly. I had soldered on pin connectors and I am wondering why they seem to fail. Should I not make the load cell connections in this way? The guide shows the thin load cell wires apparently soldered directly to the part.

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    *Note: Phant is No Longer in Operation

    Unfortunately Phant, our data-streaming service, is no longer in service. The system has reached capacity and, like a less-adventurous Cassini, has plunged conclusively into a fiery and permanent retirement. There are several other maker-friendly, data-streaming services and/or IoT platforms available as alternatives. The three we recommend are Blynk, ThingSpeak, and Cayenne. You can read our blog post on the topic for an overview and helpful links for each platform. The code in this tutorial will need to be adjusted to work with the other data streams.

  • Member #1536450 / about 6 years ago / 1

    Hello everyone - I'm new to the site and don't very often make comments however I would like to leave a few words about the HX711. I purchased several of the "made in china GREEN BOARD HX711" and had many problems. First problem was that the HX711 would try to reset during its communication cycle when it should not be and this was giving erroneous readings during this reset. Second was the Mv output was changing even when weight was setting still? "oh yea - had one of those china made load cells" Third was reference voltage out to the load cell was only at 1.80 VDC giving me less then normal resolution. Forth was putting the same weight on and removing then placing back on would give me a completely different reading "not repeatable" And many more unknow problems which could not be identified. So I have purchased the Sparkfun Load Cell Amplifier and this board is a world of difference, in other words "WORKS PERFECT" This board is repeatable, accurate, steady, no false resets, And I like the separate voltage input to the load cell this gives me a full 5 VDC to the load cell for better resolution. I would like to THANK YOU SPARKFUN for making such a great board. Also for those who need a accurate steady reading do your research of the load cells they have a C1 thru C6 rating for accuracy and repeatability and also look for ones that are temperature compensating " I'm using a C3 legal trade rated with temp. comp." And to those who are trying to build a reliable scale - First buy a HX711 from Sparkfun and a good load cell and you will eliminate most of the problems I've went thru. Anyway - enjoy building and stay away from "made in china" - I like to troubleshoot my own errors not someone else's design problems.

  • Member #401881 / about 6 years ago / 1

    Is the default of this board set at 10 SPS, and to get the noisier 80 sps done by soldering the connection point at SJ2. Or will jumping that change it from 80 sps to 10 sps?

  • Member #1257783 / about 7 years ago / 1

    HI. I recently order a couple of these HX711 PCB's. Currently, i'm trying to get 80Hz sampling rate by using the rate pins on the back side of the PCB (on default the PCB only deliver 10 sps (or Hz) . However, I did not get this to work. Do you have any more specification on how to get the 80 Hz sampling rate to work?

  • Member #1338419 / about 7 years ago / 1

    Is it possible to use this with an Raspberry PI 3B+ . I thought that each hx711 chip could be used the same. I bought one on an german site and found a tutorial to use this chip (hx711 in green) with an raspberry. This chip doesn't seem to work. this was the tutorial that i followed

  • Member #971188 / about 8 years ago / 1

    HEY! I’m really quite worried after buying four 200 kg load cells, 1 load combinator and 1 load cell amplifier that I may have screwed up. My load cells have 4 wires and the load combinator has only 3 inputs for the “load sensors” that a “Typical bathroom scale” uses. I understand this has something to do with the wheatstone bridge by I don’t know which 3 wires to use and what to do with the last one! Please help!

  • Pieterjan / about 8 years ago / 1

    Is it possible to use this combinator if the load cells are not equidistant in a square? (and you want to have the same weight on multiple locations on the scale). For example when load cells are placed in a rectangle or an isosceles triangle?

  • 42designfab / about 8 years ago / 1

    There's a Fritzing diagram showing this part already modeled, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. Is it available? Many thanks!

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