BeagleBone Black Proto Cape Hookup Guide

Contributors: CaseyTheRobot
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First let's solder some headers to the cape. There are two styles of headers you may choose from.

If you only plan on using one cape, straight headers will do just fine.

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If you plan to use multiple capes, it is necessary to use stackable headers.

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Soldering Headers

It is important when soldering the headers that they are held in straight. Tack two opposite pins and check the alignment before finishing the rest of the pins. When you are complete allow the cape to cool before inserting.

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Removing capes can be quite difficult. Do not try to pull them off in one motion. Try to rock or slowly apply pressure to the corners. Separating in this fashion will prevent the pins from being bent.

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Let's take a look at how the prototyping area is laid out.