How to use a multimeter
This is a hand-out developed from our popular "How to use a Multimeter" tutorial.
E-Textiles and the Maker Student
An overview of SparkFun's work using sewable electronics to teach introductory electronics.
Prototyping Wireless Wearables with LilyPad Simblee
WEAR 2016 workshop on getting started with LilyPad Simblee
Digital Sandbox Intro to CS Activities
This is a collection of activities that we created to introduce students to basic CS concepts using the Digital Sandbox.
RedBot Dance Challenge
Using the RedBot chassis or a chassis of your own design, choreograph a dance routine for your robot!
SIK LCD Tutorial Activity
SIK LCD Tutorial simplifies the wiring and usage of the parallel LCD module that is included in the SIK.
Serial LCD Reaction Timer Activity
Build your own Serial LCD Reaction Timer. This is a great activity that uses the SparkFun RedBoard, Arduino, or other compatible microcontroller. This has
Serial LCD Quick Reference - Application Note
This is a quick reference to using any of the Serial-enabled LCD kits at SparkFun. It simplifies the command set into tables that are easy to follow.
SIK Teachers Guide
This is a summary of learning objectives, vocabulary, and key concepts that are used in each of the circuit examples in the SIK.
SIK Guide Code - printable
Print-able SIK Guide Code Examples.
RedBot Library Quick Reference
This is a nice summary of the RedBot library. This is useful for introducing the RedBot commands to students.
Digital Sandbox Course Resources
We created a small set of tutorials to walk students through using the Digital Sandbox in the classroom. There are two shared Google Drive folders which co
SparkFun Curriculum: Introduction to Design
These are two full semester courses focused around Engineering Design using the SparkFun Inventor's Kit.
MaKey MaKey Kit Librarian Reference Manual
The MaKey MaKey Kit: Librarian Reference Manual is a guide to using, managing, and troubleshooting the MaKey MaKey in your library.
SparkFun Summer Semester Materials
Got an idea for a prototype but not sure exactly how to make it happen? SparkFun Electronics offers Five Days of prototyping skills from schematic to bread
Microcontrollers for Educators 2015
Each summer, we teach a weeklong professional development workshop around using technologies such as Arduino, Processing, and electronics in the classroom.
Explorations in Arduino Physics: Ideas and Experiments that Integrate this Low-cost 8-bit Microcontroller into your Classroom
This is a presentation on a series of tools that can be used in experiments, activities, and labs to investigate, measure, and analyze physics phenomena.
SparkFun at NSTA 2015
SparkFun attended the NSTA 2015 National Conference in Chicago. We taught 7 workshops that contained some amazing materials. Here is a link to that page.
PicoBoard Library Resources
Here are some great resources to include the PicoBoard as part of your library or makerspace.
Funding Sources for MakerSpaces in Libraries
Here is a short list of grants and funding sources for building out your own makerspace in your library or community center. Here are links to the raw sour
PicoBoard LabPack Getting Started Guide
This is a hand-out illustrating how to get started using the PicoBoard and auxiliary sensors on ports A, B, C, and D. The LabPack comes complete with 10 Pi
Breaking the Rules: Hacking the Science Classroom with Arduino and Open-source Electronics
This workshop employs free Arduino software to explore classroom materials in an iterative, highly affordable framework. By combining everyday materials li
Physics and Open-Source Robotics - Activities for the classroom
Position, velocity, acceleration, torque, and rotation—these are all key concepts in both physics and robotics. Why not integrate these things together? We
ATTiny85 Quick Reference
ATTiny85 Cheatsheet / quick reference. This has all of the most commonly used Arduino commands in one place.