Paper Circuits: Lotus Flower Pop Up Card
Here are the templates used in the Have Fun with Paper Circuitry workshop at the GESTEM (Girls Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) event on 5/9/2014. This workshop taught simple paper circuitry and a basic understanding of how circuits work using copper tape, a coin cell battery, a LilyPad Button Board and an LED. No soldering required.
Printable templates and instructions are included in the attached PDF.
The lotus card template is based on a design by Robert Saluda.
Materials needed:
- Copper Tape (~12" length)
- 3mm LED
- 3V 12mm Coin Cell Battery (CR1225)
- Cardstock
- Vellum
- Clear Tape
- Gluestick/Glue
- Scissors/Hobby Knife
Where do I find copper tape?
SparkFun sells copper tape in 50ft rolls, but you can find similar tape at craft or hardware stores in the stained glass aisle.