SparkFun ProDriver Hookup Guide

Contributors: QCPete, santaimpersonator
Favorited Favorite 6

Resources and Going Further

For more on the SparkFun ProDriver (TC78H670FTG), check out the links below:

For more motor control tutorial, check out the links below:

Shapeoko Coaster Project

A step-by-step guide to cutting and engraving a coaster with the Shapeoko.

Electret Mic Breakout Board Hookup Guide

An introduction to working with the Electret Mic Breakout Board.

Red Box Robot Hookup Guide

Turn an iconic SparkFun red box into an obstacle-avoiding robot.

WiFi Controlled Robot

This tutorial will show you how to make a robot that streams a webcam to a custom website that can be remotely controlled.

Wireless Gesture Controlled Robot

Control the RedBot wirelessly based on the movement of your hand using an accelerometer, Arduino, and XBees!

Assembly Guide for SparkFun JetBot AI Kit V2.0

Assembly Guide for the SparkFun JetBot AI Kit v2.0. This tutorial includes photos & comments to assemble the two-layer chassis & additional components unique to the JetBot kit.

The ClockClock Project

Tell the time with this fantastic Alchitry project using clocks to make a clock!

Or check out this blog post for inspiration